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문서의 선택한 두 판 사이의 차이를 보여줍니다.

차이 보기로 링크

wiki:plugin-www-link [2013/06/06 14:44] – 새로 만듦 kieunswiki:plugin-www-link [2024/04/23 22:43] (현재) – 바깥 편집
줄 1: 줄 1:
 +====== Mobile Support template ======
 +  * dont need : [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/template:dokumobile|link]]
 +====== recent ======
 +  * Simply write in the source page. 
 +  * [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:recent]]
 +====== autoviewer ======
 +  * This plugin displays a Flash application, AutoViewer from AirTight. It displays several JPG images with some controller buttons. 
 +  * [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:autoviewer]]
 +====== chart ======
 +  * [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:chart]]
 +  * This DokuWiki plugin creates a chart in a DokuWiki page by using XML/SWF Charts.
 +  * XML/SWF Charts is the Flash application that creates various charts of nice appearance. 
 +====== s5 ======
 +  * [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:s5]]
 +  * S5 is a slide show format based entirely on XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With one file, you can run a complete slide show and have a printer-friendly version as well.
 +====== autolink2 ======
 +  * [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:autolink2]]
 +  * With this plugin you can define pages the can be (semi)automatically linked to that page. This is a new improved version of my autolink plugin. 
 +====== color ======
 +  * [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:color]]
 +  * set text color
 +====== discussion ======
 +  * [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:discussion]]
 +  * The Discussion Plugin adds a discussion section after your wiki page for user comments. This is useful to separate page content and the discussion thereof and also, if you don't want to give normal users the right to edit the page but still want user contributed notes. A second component of this plugin shows a list of all pages in a namespace with a discussion section (called discussion threads) ordered by most recent comments. This allows you to create a very simple discussion forum in your wiki. 
 +====== faq ======
 +  * [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:faq]]
 +  * Download and install the plugin using the Plugin Manager using the following URL. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually. 
 +====== fontsize ======
 +  * [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:fontsize]]
 +  * This plugin allows to write text in different sizes. 
 +====== label ======
 +  * [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:label]]
 +  * The wiki-portion to mark has to be included in <label theLabel>wikicode</label>, whereas wikicode is arbitrary wikicode and theLabel is an identifier consisting of letters (a-z, A-Z), number (0-9) and underscore (_). 
 +====== note ======
 +  * 노트입력이 가능한 플러그인
 +  * [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:note]]
 +<note> This is my note ! Remember it !! </note>
 +<note important> Warning ! You're about to lose your mind ;-) </note>
 +<note tip> The clues are in the images. </note>
 +<note warning> Beware of the dog when you open the door !! </note>
 +You can use the note keywords important, warning and tip.
 +It is quite easy to add new types of notes if you know a bit of PHP and CSS.
 +====== npsp ======
 +  * no desc 
 +  * [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:nbsp]]
 +====== outliner ======
 +  * It does work with the current release (2008-05-05), at least as far as I tried it but you have to disable the mouse over effect by adding a # after each outline syntax. It also seems to be necessary to keep one line spacing from the syntax to the rest of the wiki text or code. 
 +  * [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:outliner]]
 +====== tip ======
 +  * You know those little yellow pieces of paper which so nicely stick all around your screen's fra­me? Lots of “note this” and “remember that” and “don't for­get to …”
 +  * [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:tip]]
 +====== info ======
 +  * The plugin serves as simple sample plugin and is included in the DokuWiki Distribution.
 +  * [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:info]]
 +====== embedover ======
 +  * 위키피디아 같은 사이트에서 특정 키워드의 설명을 팝업으로 보여주는 플러그인
 +  * [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:embedover|url]]
 +====== archiveupload ======
 +  * zip 류의 파일 업로드. 업로드 후에 풀어주는 기능도 있는 듯
 +  * [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:archiveupload]]
 +====== truetable ======
 +  * mediawiki 와 비슷한 테이블 문법 체계 - 100% 호환은 아님
 +  * http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:truetable